
Full stack JavaScript made easy

Presentation by @g00glen00b — Consultant at @OptisNV

Presenting: de koffiekoeken teller

Say what?

“Meteor is an open-source


for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you're an expert developer or just getting started.”

What's in it for me?

Ease structuring app

Purpose of file is depending on the folder they're in. Meteor uses the following folders:

  • server
  • private
  • client
  • public
  • models

Script files and stylesheets are automatically appended to your application, no more <script> hell.

Live page updates

We all know UI binding (AngularJS, Ember.js, ...), but imagine the same... on all clients.

Clean, transparant data API

Access data from the client as if you were on a server.

    name: "Peeters"
}, {
    $sort: {
        "firstName": 1


Uses Handlebars.js, a popular templating engine (also used by the folks of Ember.js).

{{#each profiles}}


{{#if happy}}




{{/if}} {{/each}}

Smart packages

Features on demand, install what you need. For example accounts-ui, accounts-twitter, accounts-facebook, ... .

Hot code pushes

Code changes are monitored. When the server detects a change, it's pushed to all clients.

Not convinced?